Uri Zilberman
Dr' Zilberman received his DMD degree in 1983 from the Dental Faculty, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and his PhD degree in 2000 on basic dental science, especially dental anthropology. Dr' Zilberman has a degree of specialist in pediatric dentistry from 1990 and treated children and adolescents for the last 38 years.
Dr' Zilberman is the head of the Pediatric Dental Unit at Barzilai Medical University Center, a unit recognized for specialization in pediatric dentistry since 2007, and today there are 6 seniors and 9 residents in the clinic. Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Health Science, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, and teaches a course on Pathophysiology of the Oral Cavity for fourth year pharmacology students. Dr' Zilberman published more than 50 research papers and chapters in pediatric dentistry and dental anthropology. His main interests are new dental procedures and devices for pediatric dentistry, hereditary disorders and their effect on tooth development, and the use of biomimetic materials in pediatric dentistry, like Glass-Ionomers Cements. He developed new dental procedures and a patented new dental device for pediatric dentistry